The story begins on a fine summers morning, when San-woo and his mother board a bus to the country. It is soon clear that the unsophisticated rural passengers annoy the seven-year-old urban boy. His mother is taking him to live with his 78-year-old mute, but not deaf, grandmother while she looks for a new job after a business venture failed in Seoul.
Also Known As (AKA): Jibeuro, Caminho para Casa, Jiburo, Wege nach Hause, Sang Woo y su abuela
Korean | DVDRip | AVI | XviD, 984 Kbps | 640×352 | 23.976 fps | 696 MB
Audio: MP3, 111 Kbps | 2 channels | Runtime: 01:27:50 minutes | Subtitles: English (hardcoded), Spanish (srt)
Genre: Drama