The story of Mel and Edna (Jack Lemmon and Anne Bancroft), a middle-class, middle-aged, middle-happy couple living in a Manhattan high rise apartment building. Mel loses his job, the apartment is robbed, Edna gets a job, Mel loses his mind, Edna loses her job . . . to say nothing of the more minor tribulations of nosy neighbors, helpful relatives and exact bus fares. The couple suffers indignity after indignity (some self-inflicted) and when they seem on the verge of surrender, they thumb their noses defiantly and dig the trenches for battle.
Also Known As (AKA): El prisionero de la Segunda Avenida, Le prisonnier de la seconde avenue, Prigioniero della seconda strada, Desgraças de um Citadino, Das Nervenbündel
English or Spanish (2 audio tracks) | DVDRip | AVI | XviD, 1856 Kbps | 720×304 | 23.976 fps | 1.48 GB
Audio: MP3, 160 Kbps | 2 channels | 44.1 KHz | Runtime: 01:38:04 minutes | Subtitles: Spanish (srt)
Genre: Comedy