Based on the eponymous book by Boris Vasilyev, the film is set in Karelia (North-West of Russia, near Finland) in 1941 during WWII. In a beautiful and quiet wilderness far from the front-line there is an anti-aircraft artillery point, where corporal Vaskov is stationed with a group of many young women in training. One of the women while sneaking from camp to visit her young son sees two German paratroopers. Vaskov takes five of the women to stop the two paratroopers, but finds sixteen paratroopers instead, leaving the small group of patriots to engage the enemy in an unequal fight.
Also Known As (AKA): Auroras Nascem Tranquilas, Die Morgendämmerung ist hier still, La 359ème section, Qui le albe sono quiete, Los amaneceres son aquí más apacibles, Här är gryningarna stilla
File Name :
File Size : 699.67 MB
Resolution : 592×256
Duration : 01:16:36
File Name :
File Size : 700.12 MB
Resolution : 592×256
Duration : 01:21:10
Quality: DVDRip
Language: Russian
Subs: English (idx/sub files)
Genre: Drama, History, War