Tag Archives: german

Malina (1991) Werner Schroeter, Isabelle Huppert, Lisa Kreuzer, Mathieu Carrière, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery

Malina (Werner Schroeter, 1991)
A complex and enigmatic plot that evokes the life of Bachmann. The story develops around an unusual triangular relationship, a threesome between a woman of unknown name, a man named Malina and a Hungarian, Ivan, with whom she falls in love. Ivan will be his last great love, but their need for exclusivity in love is so strong that it can not be understood or matched. Malina is a struggle, a confrontation between two worlds strange and hostile.
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Pillow Talk (1959) Michael Gordon, Rock Hudson, Doris Day, Tony Randall, Comedy, Romance

Pillow Talk (Michael Gordon, 1959)
In New York, the interior decorator Jan Morrow and the wolf composer Brad Allen share a party line, but Brad keeps it busy most of the time flirting with his girlfriends. They do not know each other but Jan hates Brads since she needs the telephone for her business and can not use it. Coincidently Jan’s wealthy client Jonathan Forbes that woos her is the best friend of Brad and he comments with him that he feels an unrequited love for Jan, who is a gorgeous woman. When Brad meets Jan by chance in a restaurant, he poses as a naive tourist from Texas named Rex Stetson and seduces her. But Jonathan hires a private eye to find who Rex Stetson is.
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Die Koffer des Herrn O.F. / The Thirteen Trunks of Mr. O.F. (1931) Alexis Granowsky, Alfred Abel, Peter Lorre, Harald Paulsen, Comedy

Die Koffer des Herrn O.F. (1931)
In the very oldfashioned town of Ostend suddenly 13 suitcases are delivered to the hotel, with a note, that O.F. will be here soon and needs 6 rooms (the hotel just has five). This event, probably the biggest in 300 years, starts a small wave of modernisation, yet everybody is wondering who O.F. is. Journalist Stix and architect Stark have an idea how to use this event. They proclaim, that O.F. is a former citizen of the town, who became a millionaire abroad. They tell their fellow citizens that the town still needs modernisation, like better hotels, nightclubs, shops, etc. And soon, Ostend is a boomtown, then a capital. The architect, responsible for the new buildings is finaly allowed to marry the mayor’s daughter, while Stix marries the cabaret star and the widowed mayor his new secretary. The only problem is, O.F. hasn’t shown up, while finance experts from all over the world are trying to solve the depression problem, that is non-existant in Ostend, this soon lets the people …
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Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen / Even Dwarfs Started Small (1970) Werner Herzog, Helmut Döring, Paul Glauer, Gisela Hertwig, Comedy, Drama

Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen (Werner Herzog, 1970)
The inhabitants of an institution in a remote country rebel against their keepers. Their acts of rebellion are by turns humorous, boring and alarming. An allegory on the problematic nature of fully liberating the human spirit, as both commendable and disturbing elements of our nature come forward. The film shows how justifiable revolt may be empowering, but may also turn to chaos and depravity. The allegory is developed in part by the fact that the film is cast entirely with dwarfs.
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Das Experiment / The Experiment (2001) Oliver Hirschbiegel, Moritz Bleibtreu, Christian Berkel, Oliver Stokowski, Drama, Thriller

Das Experiment (2001)
The movie is based on the infamous “Stanford Prison Experiment” conducted in 1971. A makeshift prison is set up in a research lab, complete with cells, bars and surveillance cameras. For two weeks 20 male participants are hired to play prisoners and guards. The ‘prisoners’ are locked up and have to follow seemingly mild rules, and the ‘guards’ are told simply to retain order without using physical violence. Everybody is free to quit at any time, thereby forfeiting payment. In the beginning the mood between both groups is insecure and rather emphatic. But soon quarrels arise and the wardens employ ever more drastic sanctions to confirm their authority.
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