Tag Archives: Cantonese

Chungking Express / Chung Hing sam lam (1994) Kar-Wai Wong, Brigitte Lin, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Tony Leung Chiu-Wai, Comedy, Drama, Romance

Wong Kar-Wai’s movie about two love-struck cops is filmed in impressionistic splashes of motion and color. The first half deals with Cop 223, who has broken up with his girlfriend of five years. He purchases a tin of pineapples with an expiration date of May 1 each day for a month. By the end of that time, he feels that he will either be rejoined with his love or that it too will have expired forever.
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From Beijing With Love / Gwok chaan Ling Ling Chat (1994) Stephen Chow, Anita Yuen, Pauline Chan, Action, Comedy, Thriller

After a giant dinosaur skull is stolen, the head of the Chinese secret police decides to assign the case to the force’s most incompetent reject: a rural butcher who stands around all day drinking martinis (shaken, not stirred). With a trunkload of insanely useless gadgets and a contact who constantly tries to kill him, the young agent must locate the skull and find out just what is going on here.
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Chicken and Duck Talk / Gai tung ngap gong (1988) Clifton Ko, Michael Hui, Ricky Hui, Sylvia Chang, Comedy

Old Hui runs a restaurant specializing in roast duck. His secret duck recipe is very tasty, but customers and staff alike have to put up with the filthy shop and Hui’s cost-cutting way of doing business. When ”Danny Fried Chicken” (an American-style fast-food restuarant) opens up across the street, Hui receives a rude shock and is forced to lift his game to compete. He might even have to supply clean chopsticks.
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