Tag Archives: 1980s

The Everlasting Secret Family (1988) Michael Thornhill, Mark Lee, Drew Norman, Dennis Miller, Drama, Romance

A beautiful, if ambitious and amoral, youth is tapped to become the lover of a powerful senator. The young man quickly realizes that he can hold this place, with all its perks, only as long as he is young. He has no other function than being young. With the help of an aged judge, the young man, referred to only as The Lover, contrives a plan to make a change in the way of the world, a plan that will take him years to realize.
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Chicken and Duck Talk / Gai tung ngap gong (1988) Clifton Ko, Michael Hui, Ricky Hui, Sylvia Chang, Comedy

Old Hui runs a restaurant specializing in roast duck. His secret duck recipe is very tasty, but customers and staff alike have to put up with the filthy shop and Hui’s cost-cutting way of doing business. When ”Danny Fried Chicken” (an American-style fast-food restuarant) opens up across the street, Hui receives a rude shock and is forced to lift his game to compete. He might even have to supply clean chopsticks.
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Tie ban shao (1984) Michael Hui, Sally Yeh, Frances Yip, Comedy

Mr. Wong is a middleage chief chef in Tepanyaki Restaurant. He was brought to Hong Kong and brought up by his old grandfather. He was trainee in the kitchen of the restaurant’s washing dishes. But the boss’s daughter showed special favour on him and later they got married. Because of Michael’s humble background. Mrs. Wong always bully him as she thinks that her husband counts entirely on her rich family.
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The Guardian / Bekci (1985) Ali Özgentürk, Müjdat Gezen, Güler Ökten, Damla Akasrsu, Drama

In this film that wavers unsteadily between a comedy and a tragedy, Murtaza (Mujdat Gezen) is a deluded security guard whose fanatical reverence for “duty” verges on the psychotic. He is incapable of seeing himself for what he is – and as a consequence he is often the unwitting and unknowing brunt of jokes. His wife and daughters are painfully aware of his shortcomings, but they generally suffer in silence.
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