Tag Archives: 1950s

The Quiet Gun (1957) William F. Claxton, Forrest Tucker, Mara Corday, Jim Davis, Western

The Quiet Gun (1957)
Hired gun Doug Sadler rides into a small Western town and immediately provokes the local sheriff, Carl Brandon, by tormenting a simpleminded local named Sampson. Brandon is further provoked by a visit from city attorney Hardy, who announces that the town council is charging local rancher Ralph Carpenter with violations of morality for living with an Indian girl. Brandon, who is in love with Carpenter’s estranged wife Teresa, realizes that there is something sinister behind both these events, but he is unsuccessful in preventing calamity from erupting. Eventually he must stand against his entire town in order to protect it and the law he represents.
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Joe Dakota (1957) Richard Bartlett, Jock Mahoney, Luana Patten, Charles McGraw, Romance, Western

Joe Dakota (1957)
In the sparsely populated town of Arborville, California, rides a lone stranger.His name is Joe Dakota and he’s looking for an old friend whom he calls The Old Indian.The townsfolk claim the Old Indian had packed up and left town but Joe doubts it.Heading for the old man’s farm Joe notices a group of men working on a new oil rig dug right on The Old Indian’s property. When Joe starts asking questions about his old friend,the men either clam up or state that the old Indian has sold his land and left town.However,Joe Dakota knew his friend well and is sure that his friend wouldn’t have sold his land.Joe decides to stick around and investigate further, despite protests from the townsfolk who want to see the back of Joe.Amid threats,intimidation and lies Joe makes one new friend, Miss Jody Weaver, who is willing to shed some light on The Old Indian’s fate. Nevertheless, town baddie Cal Moore, who claims to have purchased The Old Indian’s land, is stirring the townsfolk against Joe Dakota.
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The Iron Mistress (1952) Gordon Douglas, Alan Ladd, Virginia Mayo, Joseph Calleia, Action, Adventure, Biography

The Iron Mistress (1952)
Barely historical presentation of the life of Jim Bowie. Here he goes to New Orleans to sell lumber but falls in love with Judalon. To match his rivals he must become sophisticated and does so. By the time he sells the mill, starts a plantation and tries to wed Jedualon the woman has wed playboy Phillipe. Along the way to true wisdom he designs a special knife made from part of a meteorite.
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Il boia di Lilla / Milady and the Musketeers (1952) Vittorio Cottafavi, Rossano Brazzi, Yvette Lebon, Armando Francioli, Action, Adventure, Drama

Milady and the Musketeers (1952)
La storia narra della vita Anne de Beuil, meglio conosciuta come Milady De Winter, famosa per essere la nemica dei 3 moschettieri, donna crudele dal passato oscuro legato a quello del conte de La Fère , prima come moglie e poi come avversari. La donna riuscirà a sopravvivere al tentato omicidio del marito ma la rincontrerà con il nome di Athos. Alla fine verrà condotta al patibolo, e il boia che deve ucciderla si scopre essere…
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Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959) Edward D. Wood Jr., Gregory Walcott, Tom Keene, Mona McKinnon, Horror, Sci-Fi

Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959)
In California, an old man (Bela Lugosi) grieves the loss of his wife (Vampira) and on the next day he also dies. However, the space soldier Eros and her mate Tanna use an electric device to resurrect them both and the strong Inspector Clay (Tor Johnson) that was murdered by the couple. Their intention is not to conquer Earth but to stop mankind from developing the powerful bomb “Solobonite” that would threaten the universe. When the population of Hollywood and Washington DC sees flying saucers on the sky, a colonel, a police lieutenant, a commercial pilot, his wife and a policeman try to stop the aliens.
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Femmes de Paris (1953) Jean Boyer, Michel Simon, Brigitte Auber, Henri Génès, Comedy, Drama

Femmes de Paris (1953)
Le professeur Charles Buisson, Astronome et prix Nobel, vient de découvrir une nova. Il en informe par téléphone les autres observatoires. Alors qu’il croit que l’un d’eux le rappelle, il se retrouve à l’appareil avec une jeune femme menaçant de se suicider au cabaret Le Ruban Bleu, si son amoureux ne l’a pas rejoint à minuit. Intrigué, le professeur décide d’aller empêcher la malheureuse de passer à l’acte. Une de ses étudiantes, qui gagne sa vie comme doublure dans un numéro de couteaux, l’aide dans son enquête, tandis que le directeur de l’établissement et un policier le soupçonnent d’être un farceur ou même, de vendre de la drogue. Ce sera pour le savant l’occasion de découvrir un univers de music-hall qu’il ignorait jusqu’alors : « Je croyais connaître la carte du ciel par cœur mais il est une planète qui m’était totalement inconnue : la terre. J’y reviendrai ! »
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