A small-time triad member, played by Chow Yun-Fat, discovers a letter from an antique desk written by a young girl, played by Cherie Chung, who died from an illness years before. After her death, she was posthumously married to a grotesque-natured ghost husband; therefore, in her letter, she pleads for a person born on a certain lunar time and date to give up 3 years of his life to free her soul. Feeling sympathy and realizing he matches the type of person the girl is looking for, the triad member grants the girl the wish. In the days that follow, the girl’s ghost appears and begins to follow and keep watch over the triad member.
Also Known As (AKA): Gui xin niang, The Phantom Bride, Gwai san leung, Kishinjo
File Name : Spiritual.Love.1987.avi
File Size : 1120.08 MB
Resolution : 640×352
Duration : 01:24:49
Video : MPEG-4 Visual (XviD), 1 578 Kbps, 29.970 fps
Audio : MPEG Audio (MPEG-1 Audio layer 3), 128 Kbps (CBR), 48.0 KHz, 2 channels, 2 streams
Quality: DVDRip
Language: Cantonese
Subs: English, French (idx/sub files)
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Horror, Thriller