A young boy lives with his mother on a farm surrounded by deep forest in the remote wilds of the Finnish countryside. From time to time, the boy visits his father – a man of great violence – in prison. Locked in the stable is an unruly horse, the boy´s only other companion. Their simple life is disrupted when a stranger appears, with a note from the father and a bullet in his side. Reluctantly, mother and son offer the stranger refuge.
Also Known As (AKA): The Stranger, Der Besucher, Le visiteur
File Name : Muukalainen 2008.mkv
File Size : 1.83 GB / 1873.91 MB
Resolution : 716×572 @ 1018×572
Duration : 01:39:07
Quality: DVDRip
Language: Finnish
Subs: English, Swedish, Finnish (embedded)
Country: Finland, Estonia, Germany, United Kingdom
Genre: Drama