This award winning debut film from director Park chan-ok tells the story of a young graduate student who takes a job under false pretenses in order to get close to an editor at a magazine. The editor takes advantage of his passive ways and makes him do things for him excessively. Later, the graduate student’s girlfriend begins working at the same magazine and begins to get to know the editor. It’s here that this story steps off the beaten path…
Also Known As (AKA): Jil-too-neun na-euh heem
File Name : Jealousy.Is.My.Middle.Name.CD1.avi
File Size : 699.55 MB
Resolution : 704×384
Duration : 00:59:38
File Name : Jealousy.Is.My.Middle.Name.CD2.avi
File Size : 700.19 MB
Resolution : 704×384
Duration : 01:05:03
Quality: DVDRip
Language: Korean
Subs: English (srt)
Genre: Drama, Romance