
Theatre of Blood (1973) Douglas Hickox, Vincent Price, Diana Rigg, Ian Hendry, Comedy, Horror

Theatre of Blood (1973)
Edward Lionheart (Vincent Price) stars as an actor overlooked for a critics’ acting award, despite producing a season of Shakespeare plays. After confronting the Critics’ Circle, an attempted suicidal dive into the Thames results in Lionheart being rescued by your typical paraffin/meths/turps swigging tramps. Lionheart then (presumed dead) exacts his grizzly, and quite amusing revenge on the critics who denied him his finest hour.
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So’s Your Old Man (1926) Gregory La Cava, W.C. Fields, Alice Joyce, Charles ‘Buddy’ Rogers, Comedy

So's Your Old Man (1926)
Poor glazier Sam Bisbee has invented break-proof glass. He intends to show it off to a convention of automobile men. Due to a mixup his car is switched with another and his demonstration toss of a brick simply breaks the car’s windshield. On the way home he thinks a woman is trying to commit suicide and so prevents her. The woman is really Princess Lescaboura, who arrives in Bisbee’s home town looking for him.
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Ricomincio da tre (1981) Massimo Troisi, Fiorenza Marchegiani, Marco Messeri, Comedy

Ricomincio da tre (1981)
Gaetano, giovane napoletano, decide di lasciare casa, lavoro ed amici, per cercare altri momenti di vita e conoscere altre persone. Arriva a Firenze, a casa della zia. In un ambulatorio, dove capita per caso, conosce Marta e se ne innammora. Dopo una serie di divertenti situazioni (un vecchio amico dalla parlantina inarrestabile arriva da Napoli; la matura zia ed il suo attempato amante; un giovane prete Americano che vuole coinvolgerlo per forza nelle sue visite evangeliche; l’incontro con Riccardino, un giovane frustrato da una madre oppressiva; il padre che aspetta il miracolo della ricrescita di una mano amputata; etc.) Gaetano decide di restare a Firenze e di fare da padre al figlio che Marta aspetta, anche se la ragazza non vuole rivelare con esattezza il nome del padre.
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The Girl He Left Behind (1956) David Butler, Tab Hunter, Natalie Wood, Jessie Royce Landis, Comedy, Drama

The Girl He Left Behind (1956)
College students Andy Shaeffer and Susan Daniels are pinned. While Susan works hard to put herself through college, Andy sponges off his parents, his mother, Madeline Shaeffer, who in particular will give him whatever he wants. In other words, Andy is a mama’s boy, which he doesn’t really realize. Andy and Susan have used the word love to describe their relationship, but Susan isn’t sure if that’s what they are really feeling for each other or if it is solely a loveless passion. And if it is love, she isn’t sure their relationship can survive without Andy taking some ownership of his life. The near end of their relationship, initiated by Susan, leads to Andy starting to flunk out of college, which in turn makes Andy a prime candidate to be drafted. During basic training at Camp Ord, California, Andy makes it clear to his superiors and his fellow privates that he doesn’t want to be there and will do only what is requested of him without any extra effort. His superiors and fellow …
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Donatella (1956) Mario Monicelli, Elsa Martinelli, Gabriele Ferzetti, Walter Chiari, Comedy

Donatella (1956)
Donatella è una ragazza romana di estrazione semplice, schietta e di sani principi, figlia di un rilegatore di libri e fidanzata con il benzinaio Guido. Un giorno le capita di trovare una borsetta da donna contenente valori e documenti, e non esita a restituirla alla proprietaria. Questa è una ricchissima signora americana che per ricompensa offre a Donatella un posto di segretaria: la sua mansione, gestire la villa romana della signora durante le assenze di questa, non richiede particolare impegno e permette alla ragazza di vivere per un po’ negli agi di un’alta società a lei sconosciuta. Donatella incontra casualmente Maurizio, giovane ricco, elegante e ben educato, e finisce per innamorarsene, preferendolo in cuor suo al frivolo e donnaiolo Guido. Quando Maurizio scopre le umili origini di Donatella, tende a credere che lei l’abbia ingannato; ma poi si convince della buona fede della ragazza, e grazie anche all’onestà di Guido, che riconosce di non essere l’uomo adatto a Donatella e accetta di lasciarla libera, i due finiscono per sposarsi.
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The Truth About Spring (1965) Richard Thorpe, Hayley Mills, John Mills, James MacArthur, Adventure, Comedy, Drama

The Truth About Spring (1965)
Tommy Tyler a lazy Caribbean sailor and his tom-boy daughter, Spring are out to search for a buried treasure. Tommy brings aboard William Ashton, a young lawyer to help with the search. Ashton turns out to be handy when they encounter dangerous rivals. Tommy also tries to play match maker between Ashton and Spring-a difficult task indeed.
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The Prince and the Showgirl (1957) Marilyn Monroe, Laurence Olivier, Richard Wattis, Comedy, Romance

The Prince and the Showgirl (1957)
June, 1911. Among the dignitaries from the Balkan State of Carpathia in London for the coronation of King George V and Queen Mary is the Regent, His Serene Highness the Grand Duke Charles. The London foreign office places great importance on Carpathia because of an unstable geopolitical situation with Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany set to overthrow its monarchy government if allowed. The Regent, a Prince originally from Hungary, and the most recent and now deceased Queen married for convenience. As such, the Regent has spent time with a series of lady friends while on his travels in his somewhat “free” state. In meeting one of those London women, music hall actress Maisie Springfield, and the company of her current production “The Coconut Girl”, the Regent instead has his eyes set on one of the minor players in the show, American actress Elsie Marina. When seemingly simpleminded Elsie receives a party invitation from the Regent for that evening, Elsie is not so simpleminded to understand …
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Quartieri alti / In High Places (1945) Mario Soldati, Adriana Benetti, Massimo Serato, Nerio Bernardi, Comedy

Quartieri alti (1945)
The story involves Giorgio (Serato) who is maintained by a woman of high class and live a lifestyle far beyond their means. She meets and falls for the young and virtuous Isabel (Benetti), and in order to impress and keep secret their true circumstances, rent a villa and passed a couple of actors by their parents. However, things did not go quite right …
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