Cape Fear is a 1991 thriller film, directed by Martin Scorsese. It is a remake of the 1962 film of the same name and tells the story of a family man, a former public defender, whose family is threatened by a convicted rapist who wants vengeance for having been imprisoned for 14 years because of the lawyer’s purposefully faulty defense tactics, prejudicing the accused. It received Academy Award nominations for Best Actor (Robert De Niro) and Best Supporting Actress (Juliette Lewis). The two were also nominated for Golden Globe Awards.
Cast Robert De Niro, Nick Nolte, Jessica Lange, Juliette Lewis, Joe Don Baker, Robert Mitchum, Gregory Peck, Martin Balsam, Illeana Douglas, Fred Dalton Thompson…
Après quatorze années passées en prison, le violeur Max Cady sort enfin, bien décidé à se venger de Sam Bowden, l’avocat qui l’avait défendu, et qui a fait disparaître un rapport du dossier d’instruction, avec comme motivation son intime conviction de détenir la vérité. Cady, qui se défend seul en appel après avoir appris à lire et à écrire en prison, constate que ce rapport a disparu, ce qui ne lui permet pas de réduire sa peine en excluant toutes circonstances atténuantes.
DVDrip | XviD-1232 | mp3@128 | 688×288 | Audio: English | Subs: French, English, Italian, Scandinavian, Dutch, Arabic, Portuguese, Greek, Hungarian, Turk, German … (idx/sub) | DVD Cover & Sticker | 2h03 | 1.2 Gb
Thriller | USA 13 Nov 1991 | Director Martin SCORSESE