Guy Maddin reluctantly returns to his childhood home, an abandoned Canadian island, where his parents ran an orphanage. As Guy fulfills his dying mother’s request to paint the lighthouse which served as the orphanage, memories of strange events there overpower him. An undercover investigation by child author/detective Wendy & a revolt by the repressed children, blew open a cover-up by Guy’s parents. Wendy disguised herself as her brother Chance and discovered that Maddin’s inventor father performed outré scientific experiments on the orphans.
Also Known As (AKA): Marcado na Mente, Des trous dans la tête !
File Name : Brand Upon the Brain 2006.mkv
File Size : 2614.82 MB
Resolution : 716×468 @ 848×468
Duration : 01:37:55
Quality: DVDRip
Language: English
Subs: English (embedded)
Country: Canada, United States
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy