The film tells the story of a strange friendship between an adult, already on the return of his path of life, and a Chinese girl who just begins her path. Nikos is the radio operator of a merchant ship and has just arrived in Hong-Kong. He is tired and wants to forget his problems by smoking opium. Innocence and hope turns to him in the person of Li, a Chinese girl who lives in a Sampan (a houseboat) and has to clean boats and empty trash-cans to survive.
Also Known As (AKA): Entre o Inferno e o Profundo Mar Azul, Der Teufel und die tiefe blaue See, Entre Dois Mares
File Name : Between.the.Devil.and.the.Deep.Blue.Sea.1995.mkv
File Size : 1.06 GB / 1080.9 MB
Resolution : 716×432 @ 1018×432
Duration : 01:27:18
Quality: DVDRip
Language: English
Subs: French, Dutch (embedded)
Country: Belgium, France, United Kingdom
Genres: Drama