Daily Archives: September 17, 2016

Copper Canyon (1950) John Farrow, Ray Milland, Hedy Lamarr, Macdonald Carey, Western

A group of copper miners, Southern veterans, are terrorized by local rebel-haters, led by deputy Lane Travis. The miners ask stage sharpshooter Johnny Carter to help them, under the impression that he is the legendary Colonel Desmond. It seems they’re wrong; but Johnny’s show comes to Coppertown and Johnny romances lovely gambler Lisa Roselle, whom the miners believe is at the center of their troubles.
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Sib / The Apple (1998) Samira Makhmalbaf, Massoumeh Naderi, Zahra Naderi, Ghorban Ali Naderi, Drama

This unusual Iranian documentary/drama is based on the true story of a poor and religious 65-year-old father who kept his two 12-year-old daughters locked in their small house from the day that they were born. Their blind mother agreed with the arrangement since she was unable to supervise them in any other way. Thanks to the concern of neighbors over the plight of Massoumeh and Zahra, a social worker looked into the matter and found the girls unable to talk or walk properly. They were given the first baths in their lives and then returned to their home. The father, believing that he has been publicly shamed by his neighbors, promises not to keep them imprisoned anymore.
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Unrelated (2007) Joanna Hogg, Kathryn Worth, Harry Kershaw, Emma Hiddleston, Drama

During a sticky patch in her marriage forty-something Anna spends a summer holiday with her friends Verena and George at their Tuscan villa but hangs out with the couple’s teen-aged children and their cousin Oakley, with whom she goes skinny-dipping and sight-seeing. When the youngsters prang a borrowed car and Anna tells George how it happened, causing a huge scene with his elder son, the kids turn against her. Observing family life as an outsider – unrelated – Anna ultimately comes to be grateful for what she has got.
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The Man Who Never Was (1956) Ronald Neame, Clifton Webb, Gloria Grahame, Robert Flemyng, War, Drama

British Intelligence during World War II is trying to get the German High Command to shift its forces away from Italy prior to the invasion. To create the illusion that England is in fact planning to invade Greece, they plan to procure a dead body, plant secret papers on it, and arrange for the Spanish authorities to find it and send the papers on to the Germans. That’s the plan, anyway. First they have to find a body that will look drowned, then create an identity for it that will pass German scrutiny. Based on a true story.
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Lizzie (1957) Hugo Haas, Eleanor Parker, Richard Boone, Joan Blondell, Drama

Elizabeth has reoccurring headaches and trouble sleeping. Threatening letters signed by Lizzie are given to her, but she does not know anyone named Lizzie. As her situation deteriorates, she goes to a Dr. Wright who hypnotizes her. Deep in her subconscious, Dr. Wright finds three personalities; Elizabeth, the shy one that everyone knows; Lizzie, the wild one like her mother; and Beth, the good one she should have become. Dr. Wright must help the personality of Beth become the only one.
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Leur dernière nuit (1953) Georges Lacombe, Jean Gabin, Madeleine Robinson, Michel Barbey, Drama

Pierre Ruffin (Gabin), directeur d’une bibliothèque publique à Paris, une journée de l’homme estimée, la nuit devient le chef d’une bande de criminels. Cependant, pour Madeleine Marsan (Robinson), Pierre est l’homme qui l’a aidée quand elle était en difficulté, l’homme qui a découvert le véritable amour dans le milieu de l’adversité et de la tragédie …
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The Opposite Sex (1956) David Miller, June Allyson, Joan Collins, Dolores Gray, Comedy, Musical, Romance

Shortly after their tenth wedding anniversary, New York theater producer Steven Hilliard and his wife, former popular radio singer Kay Hilliard née Ashley, are getting a Kay-initiated Reno divorce after Kay finds out about a marital indiscretion he had with Crystal Allen, a gold digging chorus girl in one of his shows. News of the indiscretion made its way to Kay indirectly by her catty friend, Sylvia Fowler. In Kay getting the divorce, Kay’s best friend, playwright Amanda Penrose believes Kay is playing right into the wants of Crystal, whose main goal is not to be happily married to Steven, but to get what such a marriage can bring to her in material wealth and comfort. Amanda does not believe Steven loves Crystal and that he still really does love Kay. And Kay does proceed with the divorce despite believing theirs was a happy and loving marriage before she learned of the indiscretion, and despite having an adolescent daughter, Debbie, to consider. But when Kay learns some …
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