Dr. Laurence, a once-respectable scientist, begins to research the origin of the mind and the soul. The science community rejects him, and he risks losing everything for which he has worked. He begins to use his discoveries to save his research and further his own causes, thereby becoming… a Mad Scientist, almost unstoppable…
Also Known As (AKA): Cerveaux de rechange, Der Mann der sein Gehirn austauschte, L’uomo che scambiava i pensieri, Quatro Minutos de Vida, El hombre que trocó su mente, Doctor Maniac Who Lived Again, Dr. Maniac, The Brainsnatcher
File Name : The.Man.Who.Changed.His.Mind.1936.mkv
File Size : 925.14 MB
Resolution : 720×480 @ 640×480
Duration : 01:02:46
Quality: DVDRip
Language: English
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi