The Son of the Black Mass returns in this ninth installment in Daiei’s longstanding Nemuri Kyoshiro series. This time Raizo Ichikawa as Nemuri is called to see that a gold statuette of the Virgin Mary gets safe passage to Kyoto from the prying hands of a sect of murderous Christian ronin that call themselves the Black Finger Group.
Also Known As (AKA): Nemuri Kyôshirô burai-hikae: Mashô no hada
File Name :
File Size : 1764.21 MB
Resolution : 712×352 @ 844×352
Duration : 01:27:18
Video : AVC (AVC), 2 385 Kbps, 23.976 fps
Audio : AC-3 (AC3), 384 Kbps (CBR), 48.0 KHz, 2 channels, 1 stream
Quality: DVDRip
Language: Japanese
Subs: English (embedded)
Genre: Action, Drama