The story follows the adult life of Shingo, a humble orphan raised by a low ranking samurai. He decides to to wander Japan for three years and returns with an unexpected new skill; he can bring swordsmen to their knees quaking in fear just with a sword pose. This technique, unfortunately brings tragedy to Shingo’s family and he ends up wandering in misery after they are killed by jealous samurai.
File Name : Kiru 1962.mkv
File Size : 1102.27 MB
Resolution : 700×432 @ 1016×432
Duration : 01:13:36
Video : AVC (AVC), 1 900 Kbps, 25.000 fps
Audio : AC-3 (AC3), 192 Kbps (CBR), 48.0 KHz, 2 channels, 1 stream
Quality: DVDRip
Language: Japanese
Subs: English (srt, idx/sub files)
Genre: Action, Drama