In December of 1944, Lionel Evans, an internationally renowned American conductor, is on a USO tour with his 70-piece symphony orchestra in newly-liberated Belgium. While fleeing from a German counterattack, Evans and his orchestra members are captured by a Panzer division and taken to an old chateau in Luxembourg. Despite orders to execute every prisoner, General Schiller, an avid music lover, commands Evans to give a private concert for him.
Also Known As (AKA): Os Heróis não Se Entregam, La symphonie des héros, Sinfonia di guerra, Sinfonia para um inimigo, Una tumba al amanecer, The General, The Battle Horns, Der Befehl
File Name : Counterpoint.1968.720p.mkv
File Size : 2095.67 MB
Resolution : 1280×720
Duration : 01:46:24
Quality: BRRip
Language: English
Subs: English (embedded)
Genre: Drama, Music, War