Tag Archives: Danuta Stenka

Life Above All / Nad ?ycie (2012) Anna Plutecka-Mesjasz, Olga Boladz, Michal Zebrowski, Danuta Stenka, Drama

Over the years, thousands of people recognize, until one day you meet someone who changes your life. Forever. So it was with Agatha (Olga Bo??d?). Relating internationally successful volleyball falls in love with no memory of Jacek (Michal Zebrowski). About dreamed of this love for life. Everything was going to be like in a fairy tale – a beautiful marriage, children and a house in the mountains. These plans are interrupted a phone call. After the dramatic details Agata begins a race against time. Will fight for each other, the man she loves and the child, which wants more than life. Does love endure anything? Do endures all things?
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